The Power of Repetition … Muscle Memory
“Muscle Memory” - certain habitual ways of movement that result from many repetitions of technical exercises—is one of the qualities that distinguishes professional dancers from amateurs. Repetition also helps ensure that performances are consistently polished. The French have it right, they call rehearsal repetition, and interesting enough the French word for teacher is repetiteur.
Repetition has magic powers. Just watch babies as their repetitive attempts to move strengthens their muscles to transition from crawling, to walking, and eventually running.
The power of repetition is where the glory comes in for a dancer. The muscles start to take on a whole other ability. And it’s from sheer repetition and having somebody in your life who demanded that specificity.
When insisting on repeating steps, teachers &/or choreographers are simply trying to instill technique in your muscles.
The moral here is to value and respect the process, not begrudge it. Nature may give certain people a head start, but even dancers with natural technique and bodies still have to work very hard.